Birds of the hill country, Central Piedmont (N. Italy)

Below is a list with a number of birds that can be seen and heard around our home in Brozolo. We are surrounded by rather extensive continuous woods, which makes for good bird habitats and excellent bird sighting.

List is by no means exhaustive, to be augmented as more birds are seen/identified. Also, I make no claim as to the accuracy of my taxonomy as I am not a specialist. Italian names in parenthesis.

Raptors: Red kites (nibbio; File:Milvus_milvus_R(ThKraft).jpg); Buzzards (poiana; File:Buteo_buteo_5_(Marek_Szczepanek).jpg); smaller hawks also (unclear).  Owls, at least two kinds, based on voice recordings (will upload when I learn how to do it).

Songbirds (passeriforms): Common sparrow (passero; File:Cock_House_Sparrow_(8602035953).jpg); tits (cinciallegra; File:Parus_major_4_(Marek_Szczepanek).jpg); wrens (regulus; File:Regulus_regulus0.jpg); swallows (rondine; File:Tachycineta_bicolor1.jpg); starling (storno; File:Common_starling_in_london.jpg); blackbird (merlo; File:Solsort.jpg); robin (pettirosso; File:European_Robin_aka.jpg); (October 2016) spotted an oriole (rigogolo;  File:Oriole_2.jpg) Probably several others, up to interested guests to identify and document.

Piciformes: woodpeckers (picchio; File:Picoides-villosus-001.jpg), possibly more than one species.

Apodiformes: swifts (rondoni; File:Apus_apus_01.jpg): used to be present, uncertain at this point

Corvidae: crows (corvo; File:Corvus_cornix_-perching-8.jpg); rooks (cornacchia; File:Corvus_frugilegus_-Dartmoor,_Devon,_England-8.jpg); jays (ghiandaia; File:Garrulus_glandarius_1_Luc_Viatour.jpg); magpies (gazza; File:Pica_pica.jpg).

Cuculiformes: Cuckoo (cuculo; File:Cuculus_canorus_vogelartinfo_chris_romeiks_CHR0791_cropped.jpg), more often heard than seen, in the Spring months.